Golang returning functions

Let's look at your main:

Line 1

f := makeFunction("hellooo")
  • Side effect: printing "00000"
  • Return value: an anonymous function that executes makeFunction2("abcef"), assigned to the identifier f

Line 2


which is equivalent to:

_ = f()
  • Side effect: printing "11111"
  • Return value: an anonymous function that executes makeFunction3("safsf"), discarded (you are not assigning the return value of f()).

makeFunction3 is never assigned to any identifier, and never called.

Let's follow the program flow:

  1. main starts.
  2. main calls makeFunction.
  3. makeFunction prints 00000, and returns an anonymous function.
  4. Back in main, we call the anonymous function returned by the previous call.
  5. The anonymous function calls makeFunction2.
  6. makeFunction2 prints 11111, and returns an anonymous function.
  7. main returns.

Because the return value is discarded after step 6 above, nothing else is printed.

To prints the 3's, you have to call twice:


And to prints the 4's too, just do:


Because ...

// prints "00000" and returns a function that if run
// will invoked `makeFunction2`
f := makeFunction("hello")

// `makeFunction2` is called, printing "11111" and returns 
// a function that if run will invoked `makeFunction3`
f1 := f()

// `makeFunction3` is called, printing "33333" and returns
// a function that if run will invoked `makeFunction4`
f2 := f1()

Test question, what does it print out if you do this?

f := makeFunction("Hello")()()

This is known as currying or closure, but in your example you have not closed over any local value so the latter loses its meaning.