Golang map internal implementation - how does it search the map for a key?

Maps are implemented as hash tables. There are plenty of places that explain hashing; Here's a nice visualization you can run.

One nice feature of Go is that

  • the source is available on github, and
  • it is pretty well written and documented, so it's not too hard to understand.

From the source file for hashmap:

// A map is just a hash table. The data is arranged
// into an array of buckets. Each bucket contains up to
// 8 key/value pairs. The low-order bits of the hash are
// used to select a bucket. Each bucket contains a few
// high-order bits of each hash to distinguish the entries
// within a single bucket.
// If more than 8 keys hash to a bucket, we chain on
// extra buckets.


One thing that you can learn from this code that is not normally covered in a lot of classes is how not to invalidate iterators when the map is resized internally.

The native map type uses a hash table implementation. It uses a hashing function on the key to generate an index into an array of data. Thus, generally, most actions occur in O(1) time. This is only generally true as some keys can result in the same index when hashed, called a collision, which then must be handled specially.

Hash tables are cool!


