Golang GET multipart form-data

You can probably content yourself by using the request.ParseMultipartForm method, then use the request.FormValue to get values as usual. Note that you also have the request.MultipartForm to get access to your files.


func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // Here the parameter is the size of the form data that should
    // be loaded in memory, the remaining being put in temporary
    // files


The part implements the io.Reader interface. I am assuming what you are really asking is how to convert the part reader into a string, in the case that it is not a file. You can do so like this:

for {
   part, err_part := read_form.NextPart()
   if err_part == io.EOF {
   if part.FormName() == "delete" {
      buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
      log.Println("delete is: ", buf.String())