Gobbling an argument if it starts with #

Here is an idea for a conditional


using the kernel command \@car. You can use it in your redefinition of \href to test whether the first token is \#:


% this is found in latex.ltx:
% \def\@car#1#2\@nil{#1}
  % define \@first@token to be the once expanded \@car of the first argument
  % i.e. the first token or balanced group:
  % test if the expansion of \@first@token is the same as #2:




\hyperdef{}{related-work}{\section{Related work}\label{related-work}}

\iffirsttoken{foo}{f}{true}{false}% true

\iffirsttoken{\#related-work}{\#}{true}{false}% true

\iffirsttoken{this web}{\#}{true}{false}% false

\href{http://tex.stackexchange.com}{this web}

\href{\#related-work}{section about related work}


enter image description here

If you are looking to strip \# from the first position of a string, it can be done simply with this command


Now stripping a # is a different beast, because it is a special character in TeX

After a day of reflection, I had an idea on how to strip an actual # sign (not a \# sign, mind you) from the first character of a string. This is a significant result, I think, given how difficult is is for TeX to operate on the # character. In the end, the answer was amazingly simple. Here it is:


\catcode `#=11
\catcode `#=6

\strippound{#This string began with a pound sign}\\    \strippound{This string did not begin with a pound sign}

enter image description here