Go to method declaration

Update (June 2016): @Erik255's answer is better now that Sublime Text 3 is out. Please upvote his. Since this is currently the accepted answer, these are the steps repeated:

  1. Use "File > Open Folder" or "Project > Add folder to project" (you may need to create a project first)
  2. F12 will jump to any symbol in the project

Original answer:

As of Sublime Text 2, you can use Goto anything (CTRL+R).

(searches only within the current page)

Sublime 3 is the answer! It has a goto_definition function build in which works fine as long as you have a project with your source folder added (so that they can get indexed). I use it with scala+lift, PHP, Python.

Per default it is bound to F12 and without project setup it searches only in the actual file.

It was the missing feature to leave Eclipse and Netbeans.

