Go fork/exec permission denied error

I encountered this issue today but the solutions above did not work. Mine was fixed by simply running:

$ export TMPDIR=~/tmp/

then I was able to get the script to run with:

$ go run hello.go
hello, world

The only downside is you have to run export TMPDIR every time you want to run an application.

Kudos to Adam Goforth

I am using Fedora 31 and got a similar error which brought me here. I could not run the Go debugger used by Jetbrains IntelliJ Ultimate/GoLand without fork/exec & permission denied error. The solution was this:

setsebool deny_ptrace 0

See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/SELinuxDenyPtrace for details.

Just guessing: Your nix perhaps disables for security reasons executing programs in /tmp. It might be configurable in CentOS, but I don't know that.

The alternative solution: It seems you're trying go run to execute a Go program (which is as script as C is a script). Try (assuming $GOPATH=~, the easy possibility) instead a normal build, i.e. instead of

me:~/src/foo$ go run main.go


me:~/src/foo$ go build # main.go should not be necessary here
me:~/src/foo$ ./foo

This approach will still use /tmp-whatever to create the binary, IIRC, but it will not attempt to execute it from there.

PS: Do not run these command as root. No need for that with correct setup.

