gnuplot: how to plot one 2D array element per pixel with no margins

Don't use gnuplot.

Instead, write a script that reads your data and converts it into one of the Portable Anymap formats. Here's an example in Python:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
import struct

width = 400
height = 200
levels = 255

raw_datum_fmt = '=d' # native, binary double-precision float
raw_datum_size = struct.calcsize(raw_datum_fmt)

with open('T.dat', 'rb') as f:
    print("{} {}".format(width, height))

    raw_data = * height * raw_datum_size)

    for y in range(height):
        for x in range(width):
            raw_datum, = struct.unpack_from(raw_datum_fmt, raw_data, (y * width + x) * raw_datum_size)
            datum = math.floor(raw_datum * levels) # assume a number in the range [0, 1]
            print("{:>3} ".format(datum), end='')

If you can modify the program which generates the data file, you can even skip the above step and instead generate the data directly in a PNM format.

Either way, you can then use ImageMagick to convert the image to a format of your choice:

./ | convert - pic.png

Some gnuplot terminals implement "with image" by creating a separate png file containing the image and then linking to it inside the resulting plot. Using that separate png image file directly will avoid any issues of page layout, margins, etc. Here I use the canvas terminal. The plot itself is thrown away; all we keep is the png file created with the desired content.

gnuplot> set term canvas name 'myplot'
Terminal type is now 'canvas'
Options are ' rounded size 600,400 enhanced fsize 10 lw 1 fontscale 1 standalone'
gnuplot> set output '/dev/null'
gnuplot> plot "T.dat" binary array=400x200 format="%f" with image 
   linking image 1 to external file myplot_image_01.png
gnuplot> quit

$identify myplot_image_01.png
myplot_image_01.png PNG 400x200 400x200+0+0 8-bit sRGB 348B 0.000u 0:00.000