GNOME: supend on laptop lid close no longer works since 19.10 upgrade

Per investigations at the end of the question, the issue appears to be caused by GDM running a redundant gsd-power process. This can simply be killed as soon as you log in. Here's how I've done it:

  1. Create a kill script as follows:

    cat > $script << EOF
    sudo pkill -u gdm gsd-power
    chmod 755 $script
  2. Your account will need to be allowed to run sudo pkill without a password prompt (make sure you're comfortable with this). Run sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/NOPASSWD and enter the following

    Cmnd_Alias PKILL = /usr/bin/pkill

    (replace user above with your own user id)

  3. Open the GNOME startup apps applet (gnome-session-properties) and add an entry with your script, so it runs as soon as you log on.

Ideally we'd find a way to prevent gsd-power from starting up altogether but I found this non-trivial... Please chip in if you find a better way.

A slightly cleaner solution might be to cook a custom handle-lid-switch script per this solution but the script would primarily have to be installed for the gdm user and this may also not be trivial...

There might be some side-effects to killing gdm's gsd-power process, eg: if you log out and leave the laptop to the GDM greeting screen but I think this isn't a scenario many of us will run into.