Global Variable in app.js accessible in routes?

To declare a global variable you need do use global object. Like global.yourVariableName. But it is not a true way. To share variables between modules try to use injection style like


module.exports = function(injectedVariable) {
    return {
        somePublicMethod: function() {
        anotherPublicMethod: function() {


var someModule = require('./someModule')(someSharedVariable);

Or you may use surrogate object to do that. Like hub.


var hub = require('hub');

module.somePublicMethod = function() {
    // We can use hub.db here

module.anotherPublicMethod = function() {


var hub = require('hub');
hub.db = dbConnection;
var someModule = require('./someModule');

A neat way to do this is to use app.locals provided by Express itself. Here is the documentation.

// In app.js:
app.locals.variable_you_need = 42;

// In index.js
exports.route = function(req, res){
    var variable_i_needed =;

It is actually very easy to do this using the "set" and "get" methods available on an express object.

Example as follows, say you have a variable called config with your configuration related stuff that you want to be available in other places:

In app.js:

var config = require('./config');

app.configure(function() {
  app.set('config', config); 

In routes/index.js

exports.index = function(req, res){
  var config ='config');
  // config is now available

To make a global variable, just declare it without the var keyword. (Generally speaking this isn't best practice, but in some cases it can be useful - just be careful as it will make the variable available everywhere.)

Here's an example from visionmedia/screenshot-app

file app.js:

 * Module dependencies.

var express = require('express')
  , stylus = require('stylus')
  , redis = require('redis')
  , http = require('http');

app = express();

//... require() route files

file routes/main.js

//we can now access 'app' without redeclaring it or passing it in...

 * GET home page.

app.get('/', function(req, res, next){
