Given an IP address and subnetmask, how do I calculate the CIDR?

256 - 240 = 16 = 2**4, 32 - 4 = 28

It is not really a C# question.

To get a net address from an IP and mask you can apply bytewise and to the IP and mask. You can get bytes from a string using IPAddress.Parse() and IPAddress.GetAddressBytes().

I had to do the same thing, no new info but this snippet may come in handy for the next person looking for a way to do this in C#. note that this method only counts the number of consecutive 1s, and leaves you the work of appending it to the IP.

public class IPAddressHelper
    public static UInt32 SubnetToCIDR(string subnetStr)
        IPAddress subnetAddress = IPAddress.Parse(subnetStr);
        byte[] ipParts = subnetAddress.GetAddressBytes();
        UInt32 subnet = 16777216 * Convert.ToUInt32(ipParts[0]) + 65536 * Convert.ToUInt32(ipParts[1]) + 256 * Convert.ToUInt32(ipParts[2]) + Convert.ToUInt32(ipParts[3]);
        UInt32 mask = 0x80000000;
        UInt32 subnetConsecutiveOnes = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
            if (!(mask & subnet).Equals(mask)) break;

            mask = mask >> 1;
        return subnetConsecutiveOnes;

Keep it simple!

This works for IPv4 only, but since IPv6 does only support CIDR like /64 in fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a/64 calculations like that are unnecessary there.

All you need for an IPv4 network mask:

int cidr = Convert.ToString(mask.Address, 2).Count( o => o == '1'); 

Explanation based on the given example:

IPAddress mask = new IPAddress(new byte[] { 255, 255, 255, 240 });

// maskBinAsString = 11110000111101001111111111111111
string maskBinAsString = Convert.ToString(mask.Address, 2); 

// cidr = 28
int cidr = Convert.ToString(mask.Address, 2).Count( o=> o == '1');