Given a method, how do I return the class it belongs to in Python 3.3 onward?

If your aim is to get rid of the exec statement, but are willing to use the __qualname__ attribute, even though you are still required to manually parse it, then at least for simple cases the following seems to work:

x.__globals__[x.__qualname__.rsplit('.', 1)[0]]


getattr(inspect.getmodule(x), x.__qualname__.rsplit('.', 1)[0])

I'm not a Python expert, but I think the second solution is better, considering the following documentation excerpts:

  • from What's new in Python 3.3:

    Functions and class objects have a new __qualname__ attribute representing the “path” from the module top-level to their definition. For global functions and classes, this is the same as __name__. For other functions and classes, it provides better information about where they were actually defined, and how they might be accessible from the global scope.

  • from __qualname__'s description in PEP 3155:

    For nested classed, methods, and nested functions, the __qualname__ attribute contains a dotted path leading to the object from the module top-level.


  1. As noted in the comments by @eryksun, parsing __qualname__ like this goes beyond its intended usage and is extremely fragile considering how __qualname__ reflects closures. A more robust approach needs to exclude closure namespaces of the form name.<locals>. For example:

    >>> class C:
    ...     f = (lambda x: lambda s: x)(1)
    >>> x = C.f
    >>> x
    <function C.<lambda>.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f13b58df730>
    >>> x.__qualname__
    >>> getattr(inspect.getmodule(x), x.__qualname__.rsplit('.', 1)[0])
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'C.<lambda>.<locals>'

    This specific case can be handled in the following manner:

    >>> getattr(inspect.getmodule(x),
    ...         x.__qualname__.split('.<locals>', 1)[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0])
    <class '__main__.C'>

    Nonetheless, it's unclear what other corner cases exist now or may come up in future releases.

  2. As noted in the comment by @MichaelPetch, this answer is relevant only for Python 3.3 onward, as only then the __qualname__ attribute was introduced into the language.

    • However, according to @WouterBolsterlee, provides an equivalent for older Python versions.
  3. For a complete solution that handles bound methods as well, please refer to this answer.