GitHub Windows client behind proxy

Tried everything of above - and didn't succeed, only thing that helped me is CNTLM -

Install it and run cntlm -H, than authenticate to corp proxy, edit cntlm.ini file with the output of cntlm, restart the windows service. Update .gitconfig with:

[https] proxy = localhost:3128
[http] proxy = localhost:3128

Now cntlm will do all the authentication, and you'll be able to use GitHub(and Dropbox, btw) behind the corp proxy. At least until next password change :) (than do cntlm -H stuff again)

Add these entries to your '.gitconfig' file in your user directory (go to %USERPROFILE%):

    proxy = http://<proxy address>:<proxy port>

    proxy = https://<proxy address>:<proxy port>

And if you don't want to store your password in plaintext, I would use a local proxy forwarder like CNTLM which allows you to direct all traffic through it and can store the passwords hashed.

Unlike the original question, if you don't care if your password is in plain text add these:

    proxy = http://<username>:<password>@<proxy address>:<proxy port>

    proxy = https://<username>:<password>@<proxy address>:<proxy port>