Github enterprise - remote: Password authentication is not available for Git operations

If you have registered a public ssh key to your GitHib enterprise account, you could side-step the issue using an ssh url

cd /path/to/repo
git remote set-url origin [email protected]:WBurney/Blockchain_SDO.git

Then any command like git push/git fetch/git pull/git ls-remote would use the SSH URL set by git remote set-url.

But regarding your original issue, try and follow "Creating a personal access token for the command line".

If you are on Mac, update your credentials from the OSX Keychain.

You might need to remove an old cached credential first.
(As commented by RayLoveless)

Another solution that worked for me was changing the credentials via the Windows Credentials Manager:

1) Clear your cached credentials (thanks @Rayloveless).

2) Follow the steps in this link to create an access token.

  • In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo.
  • Click Settings
  • In the left sidebar, click Developer settings
  • Personal access tokens
  • Generate new Token

3) Go to "Windows Credential Manager" and look for your Github Enterprise account.

4) Click modify and replace the password with the token you generated.

Try below one -

git clone https://<user-name>:<git-token>@<github-path.git>