Github Code Review - Full Screen Width

There's a class on the body called full-width for that, so all that's needed currently is:


Github's CSS has changed, so the new styles should be:

.container-lg {
  max-width: inherit;

You can create a shortcut in your browser to automatically apply this style:

javascript:(function(){var a=document.getElementsByClassName("container-lg")[0];"inherit";})();

Use Stylebot chrome extension

I use my own style for my favourite websites, I love it.

Plus point is that you can use the styles created by other peoples also. Someone might have already done the things you need there. Or else you can modify on your own.

I have few CSS rules for you,

.repository-with-sidebar .repository-content {
  width: calc(100% - 50px);

.container {
  width: 90%;