Git Log Displays Nothing

git log does not show any commit!

I noticed that not only git log command but also man command does not show anything for me. It turned out that I just needed to set the PAGER environment variable to less or more programs to solve both problems.

export PAGER=less

May be that the pager is not set up correctly with git.


git config core.pager

If it gives empty output or something unexpected, it may be the cause of the problem.


Try one of the following with xxx = more, less or other pager of choice:

git config core.pager xxx
git config --global core.pager xxx

I've just experienced the same problem, of git log not displaying anything for a particular file. The problem turned out to be Windows was displaying the directory name with an upper-case first letter, but git expected the first letter to be lower-case. So "git log Subdir/file.c" produced no errors and no output. Whereas "git log subdir/file.c" produced the expected revision history.

