Git: Interactively rebase a range of commits

Just use rebase -i and squash only those commits.

git rebase -i <main_branch>
# Now just add `s` in front of all the commits you want to squash

If you have many commits, I'd suggest you to take a look at rebase --onto -

git rebase --onto <final_base_commit> <initial_base_commit> <head>

git rebase --onto 694bdda 64bd9e7 5e32fb0

Note: Rewriting history is an advanced operation, so tread with care.

Git rebase tutorial

You say "git rebase -i HEAD~106 isn't very practical".

If you mean that the resultant script file is >100 lines long, it's not great, but it'll work.

If you mean that it's tedious to count back, to work out that you need the 106 commits - as sometimes happens to me, then there is a solution.

You need the hash of the parent of the earliest commit you want, then you can do:

git rebase -i <parent-hash> my-branch

Or you can do

git rebase -i <parent-hash> HEAD

which afterwards will leave you on a detached head that you can do what you want with.

So in your example, you could have done

git rebase -i 694bdda HEAD

(But I would still agree with the other comments, about whether you really want to be changing things that far back. I think it's a bit of a code smell, when I find myself doing it. It's unusual for me to have such a long branch without pushing/sharing it. I'd make a backup branch to test it on, too.)