Git Errors when Pushing on Heroku

Heroku apps only run off of the master branch of the app repository (local to Heroku). If you want to deploy a branch to Heroku which isn't the master branch of your local repo, then you need to specify it. In your case it would be something like git push qa-remote dev:master (replace qa-remote with the actual name of the remote to your QA app), which says push my local dev branch to the master branch on qa-remote.

When you push like that for the first time, you'll likely need to add the -f flag to force push (non-fast-forward). Subsequently you should be able to push without the -f flag, as long as your local branch is up-to-date.

Try pushing with the -ff (fast-forward) option: git push heroku master -ff (replace heroku with the actual name of heroku remote).

Use the following command to push the update forcefully git push -f heroku master