"Git Bash here" isn't working when right clicking


I got this problem after moving all my programs off of my main hard drive and pasting them into my "P" drive. But kept all of the directory structures the same.

Git was moved from:

1: Open The Registry Editor: Type "regedit" in start menu search and hit enter.

2: Find the context menu shortcut configuration for "git bash here" In regedit: Menu "Edit" > "Find" > "Find what" and enter "git_shell"

3: Edit the Data value so that path points to the correct location. In my case I changed:

"C:\DEV\PROG\GIT\git-bash.exe" "--cd=%v."
"P:\DEV\PROG\GIT\git-bash.exe" "--cd=%v."
Screen shot included below.

git_shell Data Path in RegEdit

Reinstall Git and select:

Context menu entries: "Git Bash Here" (and the "Git GUI Here" option)

During the installation. Can't say why it disappeared, but this should bring it back.

Steps if you can't use the reinstall metod.


1/ Open regedit (search it if needed)
2/ Go to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Classes/Directory/Background'
3/ Create new key 'shell'
4/ Create new key 'Git bash here' (or whatever name you want to see in the menu)
5/ Create new key 'command' (must be named command)

At this point point you'll have
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Directory/Background/shell/Git bash here/command'

6/ Edit the value of the command key as follow 'pathToGit/git-bash.exe'

Update or open new windows explorer and you'll see it when right clicking.

Image to sum this up : How to add git bash here in context menu