Ghost Schedulable Classes Blocking Deployment

Has it something to do with this 'Known Issue'?


While this is marked as fixed this issue still continues to come up from time to time. Fortunately Salesforce support can run a quick fix to address. Contact them and ask to run "fix for locked scheduled class" and include the deployment error message.

Just to add to this, as I recently had the same issue.

You can log a case with support and they will look to remove ghost jobs.. however. This article provides some explanation and code that can be run in developer console. I suggest trying this first (if you are happy to delete all jobs) as it is quicker than going through support. This article solved my problem where i had the error:

This schedulable class has jobs pending or in progress

  • Make sure to read the article first.
  • Running this code will delete ALL scheduled jobs in the organization
  • You will need to reschedule all jobs manually after running this
  • If you are unsure of the impact of this, please contact your internal development team
  • If you wish to use ScheduleJob ID instead of cronTrigger ID to abort the job using System.AbortJob() use API version 32.0 or below

Code to execute:

List<CronTrigger> listCronTrigger = [select Id, CronExpression, EndTime, NextFireTime, OwnerId,
        PreviousFireTime, StartTime, State, TimesTriggered, TimeZoneSidKey from CronTrigger 
        where State = 'Waiting' or State='Running'];

System.debug('No of jobs: '+listCronTrigger.size());

If (listCronTrigger.size() > 0)
    for (Integer i = 0; i < listCronTrigger.size(); i++)
        System.debug('Job details ::'+String.valueOf(listCronTrigger[i]));