Getting tweets by date with tweepy

You can simply retrieve the tweets with the help of pages, Now on each page received you iterate over the tweets and extract the creation time of that tweet which is accessed using tweet.created_at and the you find the difference between the extracted date and the current date, if the difference is less than 1 day then it is a favourable tweet else you just exit out of the loop.

import tweepy, datetime, time

def get_tweets(api, username):
    page = 1
    deadend = False
    while True:
        tweets = api.user_timeline(username, page = page)

        for tweet in tweets:
            if ( - tweet.created_at).days < 1:
                #Do processing here:

                print tweet.text.encode("utf-8")
                deadend = True
        if not deadend:

get_tweets(api, "anmoluppal366")

Note: you are not accessing all 3000 tweets of that person, you only iterate over those tweets which were created within the span of 24 hours at the time of launching your application.