Getting the error "Apache port:443 is being used by another application" after installing AMPPS

Open command prompt(start -> run -> cmd) and type the following command :

C:\> netstat -aon | findstr 0.0:443

Last column of the output is the PID of the application using port 443.

You can find the application name in Task Manager. Go to Process Tab then in Menu Bar of Task Manager go to View -> Select Column -> Check "PID" and press Ok. Search for the PID in the list(Click Below "Show processes from all users" in case if you don't find the PID), corresponding process is the application which is using port 443. Stop or Uninstall it to make your AMPPS Apache work.

I was facing the same issue as on port 443, vmware service was running, i went to task manager and stopped the service and then started apache and it worked fine.

After getting the pid number using netstat -aon | findstr 0.0:443, if you are having trouble finding pid 443 in Task Manager then:

Kill the process 443 by using the cmd: taskkill /pid 443.

You will avoid downloading any software or any other headache.


