Getting row information after a doubleclick

You can alternatively do this:

        <Style TargetType="DataGridRow">
            <Setter Property="cal:Message.Attach" Value="[MouseDoubleClick] = [Action RowSelect($dataContext)]"/>


public void RowSelect(MoviesListItem movie)
     //now how to access the selected row after the double click event?

(hope it will help) I am not sure about your case, but this is what I do in winforms:

            int index = dataGridView2.CurrentRow.Index; //determine which item is selected
            textBox8.Text = dataGridView2.Rows[index].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); //add login

You can just pass $dataContext on your XAML:

 cal:Message.Attach="[Event MouseDoubleClick] = [Action RowSelect($dataContext)]">

And change your method to:

public void RowSelect(MoviesListItem movie)
     //now how to access the selected row after the double click event?

//EDIT Sorry, the above solution will work only if the action is on the datatemplate itself... another solution would be to have a SelectedItem bind and just use it on your method:

    SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedMovie,Mode=TwoWay}"
    cal:Message.Attach="[Event MouseDoubleClick] = [Action RowSelect()]">

and on your code:

public void RowSelect()
   //SelectedMovie is the item where the user double-cliked