Getting name of windows computer running python script?


import os

As Eric Palakovich Carr said you could use these three variants.

I prefer using them together:

def getpcname():
    n1 = platform.node()
    n2 = socket.gethostname()
    n3 = os.environ["COMPUTERNAME"]
    if n1 == n2 == n3:
        return n1
    elif n1 == n2:
        return n1
    elif n1 == n3:
        return n1
    elif n2 == n3:
        return n2
        raise Exception("Computernames are not equal to each other")

I prefer it when developing cross patform applications to be sure ;)

It turns out there are three options (including the two already answered earlier):

>>> import platform
>>> import socket
>>> import os
>>> platform.node()
>>> socket.gethostname()
>>> os.environ['COMPUTERNAME']

import socket