Getting list of coordinates for points in layer using QGIS?

Depending on your version, you should be able to right-click on the layer you want to export, and select Save As... Choose Comma Separated Value from the dropdown list of the dialog box that appears. Then, in the Layers part of the OGR creation options, type GEOMETRY=AS_XY or GEOMETRY=AS_XYZ depending on the dimensionality of your source data.

QGIS Save vector layer as... dialog

It is simple in the attribute calculator you may use $x and $y to calculate your coordinates into a new attribute.

You may like this for the added detail which is gathered

For QGIS 1.7 on Win7 I open the attribute table for the layer, use the buttons to; invert selection to select all rows, copy to clipboard

and paste into Excel. The first column contains Well Known Text information which maybe more useful to you.


I now use the plugin mmqgis to export geometry to csv, it is more desired by CAD users at the other end...