Getting just the lowest-level directory name for a file from split-path using PowerShell

This takes two invocations of Split-Path AFAICT:

PS> Split-Path (Split-Path c:\dir1\dir2\dir3\file.txt -Parent) -Leaf

This question is specifically asking for split-path it seems, but some other ways are:

If the file exists, I find it is much nicer to do:

(Get-Item c:\dir1\dir2\dir3\file.txt).Directory.Name

If the file does not exist, this won't work. Another way in that case is to use the .NET API, for example:

$path = [System.IO.Path];

Another option using System.Uri:

PS> ([uri]"c:\dir1\dir2\dir3\file.txt").segments[-2].trim('/')

And if the file exists on disk:

PS> (dir c:\dir1\dir2\dir3\file.txt)

