Getters and Setters in Kotlin

Getters and setters are auto-generated in Kotlin. If you write:

val isEmpty: Boolean

It is equal to the following Java code:

private final Boolean isEmpty;

public Boolean isEmpty() {
    return isEmpty;

In your case the private access modifier is redundant - isEmpty is private by default and can be accessed only by a getter. When you try to get your object's isEmpty property you call the get method in real. For more understanding of getters/setters in Kotlin: the two code samples below are equal:

var someProperty: String = "defaultValue"


var someProperty: String = "defaultValue"
    get() = field
    set(value) { field = value }

Also I want to point out that this in a getter is not your property - it's the class instance. If you want to get access to the field's value in a getter or setter you can use the reserved word field for it:

val isEmpty: Boolean
  get() = field

If you only want to have a get method in public access - you can write this code:

var isEmpty: Boolean
    private set 

due to the private modifier near the set accessor you can set this value only in methods inside your object.

1) Example default setter and getter for property firstName in Kotlin

class Person {
    var firstName: String = ""
            get() = field       // field here ~ `this.firstName` in Java or normally `_firstName` is C#
            set(value) {
                field = value



val p = Person()
p.firstName = "A"  // access setter
println(p.firstName) // access getter (output:A)

IF your setter or getter is exactly same above, you can remove it because it is unnecessary

2) Example custom setter and getter.

const val PREFIX = "[ABC]"

class Person {

    // set: if value set to first name have length < 1 => throw error else add prefix "ABC" to the name
    // get: if name is not empty -> trim for remove whitespace and add '.' else return default name
    var lastName: String = ""
        get() {
            if (!field.isEmpty()) {
                return field.trim() + "."
            return field
        set(value) {
            if (value.length > 1) {
                field = PREFIX + value
            } else {
                throw IllegalArgumentException("Last name too short")


val p = Person()
p.lastName = "DE         " // input with many white space
println(p.lastName)  // output:[ABC]DE.
p.lastName = "D" // IllegalArgumentException since name length < 1

I start learn Kotlin from Java so I am confusing about field and property because in Java there is no property.
After some search, I see field and property in Kotlin look like C# (What is the difference between a field and a property?)

Here is some relevant post which talk about field and property in Java and Kotlin.
does java have something similar to C# properties?

Correct me if I am wrong. Hope it help

The rules about property accessors visibility modifiers are the following:

  • Getter visibility of var and val property should be exactly the same to the visibility of the property, thus you can only explicitly duplicate the property modifier, but it is redundant:

    protected val x: Int
        protected get() = 0 // No need in `protected` here.
  • Setter visibility of var property should be the same or less permissive than the property visibility:

    protected var x: Int
        get() = 0
        private set(x: Int) { } // Only `private` and `protected` are allowed.

In Kotlin, properties are always accessed through getter and setter, thus there's no need in making a property private with public accessors like in Java -- its backing field (if present) is already private. So, visibility modifiers on property accessors are only used to make setter visibility less permissive:

  • For a property with backing field and default accessors:

    var x = 0 // `public` by default
        private set
  • For a property without backing field:

    var x: Int // `public` by default
        get() = 0
        protected set(value: Int) { }

Getter in kotlin is by default public, but you can set the setter to private and set the value by using one method inside a class. Like this.

* Created by leo on 17/06/17.*/

package foo
class Person() {
var name: String = "defaultValue"
               private set

fun foo(bar: String) {
    name = bar // name can be set here

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
  var p = Person()
  println("Name of the person is ${}")"Jhon Doe")
  println("Name of the person is ${}")