Get (year,month) for the last X months

I don't see it documented anywhere, but time.mktime will "roll over" into the correct year when given out-of-range, including negative, month values:

x = 10
now = time.localtime()
print([time.localtime(time.mktime((now.tm_year, now.tm_mon - n, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)))[:2] for n in range(x)])

Neatest would be to use integer division (//) and modulus (%) functions, representing the month by the number of months since year 0:

months = year * 12 + month - 1 # Months since year 0 minus 1
tuples = [((months - i) // 12, (months - i) % 12 + 1) for i in range(10)]

The - 1 in the months expression is required to get the correct answer when we add 1 to the result of the modulus function later to get 1-indexing (i.e. months go from 1 to 12 rather than 0 to 11).

Or you might want to create a generator:

def year_month_tuples(year, month):
    months = year * 12 + month - 1 # -1 to reflect 1-indexing
    while True:
        yield (months // 12, months % 12 + 1) # +1 to reflect 1-indexing
        months -= 1 # next time we want the previous month

Which could be used as:

>>> tuples = year_month_tuples(2011, 7)
>>> [ for i in range(10)]

Using relativedelta ...

import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

def get_last_months(start_date, months):
    for i in range(months):
        yield (start_date.year,start_date.month)
        start_date += relativedelta(months = -1)

>>> X = 10       
>>> [i for i in get_last_months(, X)]
>>> [(2013, 2), (2013, 1), (2012, 12), (2012, 11), (2012, 10), (2012, 9), (2012, 8), (2012, 7), (2012, 6), (2012, 5)]

Update: Adding a timedelta version anyway, as it looks prettier :)

def get_years_months(start_date, months):
    for i in range(months):
        yield (start_date.year, start_date.month)
        start_date -= datetime.timedelta(days=calendar.monthrange(start_date.year, start_date.month)[1])

You don't need to work with timedelta since you only need year and month, which is fixed.

def get_years_months(my_date, num_months):
    cur_month = my_date.month
    cur_year = my_date.year

    result = []
    for i in range(num_months):
        if cur_month == 0:
            cur_month = 12
            cur_year -= 1
        result.append((cur_year, cur_month))
        cur_month -= 1

    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import datetime
    result = get_years_months(, 10)
    print result