Get/View Memory & CPU usage via NodeJS

You can also use process.cpuUsage() to return the system and user cpu time in microseconds. It can also calculate the difference to a previous call.

As I found no code to solve this problem and don't want to rely on other packages just for some lines of code, I wrote a function that calculates the average CPU load between two successive function calls. I am assuming t_idle + t_user + t_sys = total cpu time and results are kind of similar to the ones of my Windows task manager, however, the usage seems little more sensitive to me (e.g. music playback increases the cpu load more than in the Windows task manager). Please corret me if my assumptions are wrong.

const os = require('os');

// Initial value; wait at little amount of time before making a measurement.
let timesBefore = os.cpus().map(c => c.times);

// Call this function periodically e.g. using setInterval, 
function getAverageUsage() {
    let timesAfter = os.cpus().map(c => c.times);
    let timeDeltas =, i) => ({
        user: t.user - timesBefore[i].user,
        sys: t.sys - timesBefore[i].sys,
        idle: t.idle - timesBefore[i].idle

    timesBefore = timesAfter;

    return timeDeltas
        .map(times => 1 - times.idle / (times.user + times.sys + times.idle))
        .reduce((l1, l2) => l1 + l2) / timeDeltas.length;

Check node-os-utils

  • CPU average usage
  • Free and used drive space
  • Free and used memory space
  • Operating System
  • All processes running
  • TTY/SSH opened
  • Total opened files
  • Network speed (input and output)
var osu = require('node-os-utils')

var cpu = osu.cpu

  .then(info => {

The native module os can give you some memory and cpu usage statistics.

var os = require('os');


The cpus() function gives you an average, but you can calculate the current usage by using a formula and an interval, as mentioned in this answer.

There is also a package that does this for you, called os-utils.

Taken from the example on github:

var os = require('os-utils');

    console.log( 'CPU Usage (%): ' + v );

For information about the disk you can use diskspace


