get value of input element with "id" or "name"

Following are my guidelines:

1) Whenever we post a form, only name will be considered for getting posted value. e.g.

<input type="text" name="fname" id="first_name"/>

Here we get $_POST['fname'] Not $_POST['first_name'];

2) Id and classes are there for CSS/JS purposes. Thus if you add whatever class/id attributes to the element,

Only name gets posted.

3) In the array $_POST, name is the key and value in it is a value.

Id and Classes are mainly for CSS or JavaScript purpose.Use name for getting the post values $_POST['firstname'].

<input name="firstname" type="text" id="first_name">

$_POST['firstname'] <> $_POST['first_name']

It takse name atribute, not the ID one. You have to use

$fname = $_POST['firstname'];