Sharepoint - get the attachement files from REST API

Not enough Reputation to add a comment, but DacrioS has cracked it. I have an on-premises install of Sharepoint 2013 and could not get attachments to show up when using _api/web REST interface. Until I read this comment: "Try adding Attachments to the select."

Let me be clear:

This Does Not Work _api/web/lists/getbytitle('MYLIST')/items?$filter=Id%20eq%202451&$select=AttachmentFiles&$expand=AttachmentFiles

This DOES WORK _api/web/lists/getbytitle('MYLIST')/items?$filter=Id%20eq%202451&$select=Attachments,AttachmentFiles&$expand=AttachmentFiles

Notice the ONLY difference between the two queries is the inclusion of Attachments in the $select statement. Add that and booya - I get Attachment files.

You need to $select and $expand the AttachmentFiles property for your list items if you want to select many items from the list.


Then you can get attachment info (if it exists) in the AttachmentFiles property of your list item which will be an array of AttachmentFile objects.

I suggest you just check out the return values in your dev tools to inspect the structure with something like:

    function(data) { console.log(data) })

But you can do something like retrieve the file's URL with:


If your list item doesn't have any attachments, the AttachmentFiles will be an empty array.

I can't seem to get the $filter operator to work with the Attachments property to filter the results for only those items with attachments -- maybe someone else out there has some experience getting that up and running and would like to add it here =)

You can get attachments using

var url = url + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('ListTitle')/items(1)/AttachmentFiles";

    url: url,
    accepts: {
        json: "application/json;odata=verbose"
    method: "GET",
    success: onQuerySuccess,
    error: onQueryError

function onQuerySuccess(data) {
    if (data) {
        $.each(data.d.results, function () {
            // do something