Get text between two rounded brackets

  "This is (my) simple text".match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[1]

\( being opening brace, ( — start of subexpression, [^)]+ — anything but closing parenthesis one or more times (you may want to replace + with *), ) — end of subexpression, \) — closing brace. The match() returns an array ["(my)","my"] from which the second element is extracted.

For anyone looking to return multiple texts in multiple brackets

var testString = "(Charles) de (Gaulle), (Paris) [CDG]"
var reBrackets = /\((.*?)\)/g;
var listOfText = [];
var found;
while(found = reBrackets.exec(testString)) {

var txt = "This is (my) simple text";
re = /\((.*)\)/;

jsFiddle example

You may also try a non-regex method (of course if there are multiple such brackets, it will eventually need looping, or regex)

init = txt.indexOf('(');
fin = txt.indexOf(')');