Get stacktrace as string

if number23_cn's solution is a bit much, this is how you can use the result of .getStackTrace as a string (which can then be printed, put in a log, whatever)

(try (/ 1 0)
  (catch Throwable t
    (map str (.getStackTrace t))))

use clojure.repl.pst get StackTrace, and binding *err* to

(use '[clojure.repl :only (pst)])

(defmacro with-err-str
  "Evaluates exprs in a context in which *err* is bound to a fresh
  StringWriter.  Returns the string created by any nested printing
  [& body]
  `(let [s# (new]
     (binding [*err* s#]
       (str s#))))

  (/ 1 0)
  (catch Exception e
    (let [s (with-err-str (pst e 36))]
      (println "Error log:")
      (println s))))

Here's a slight improvement over noisesmith's answer. It doesn't leave a lazy seq and has a beautification feature:

(apply str (interpose "\n" (.getStackTrace t)))