Wordpress - Get plugin_dir_url() from one level deep within plugin

In a subdirectory within your plugin directory you can use the following code:

$this->plugin_location = plugin_dir_url(dirname(__FILE__));

You should make all of your classes independent of their actual location, so you can move them around easily and maybe reuse them in other projects.

I would create a class that tells the other classes what path or URL to use, let it implement an interface so you can reuse the other classes maybe even in a theme or completely outside of WordPress.

Example for the interface:

interface DirectoryAddress
     * @return string Dir URL with trailing slash
    public function url();

     * @return string Dir path with trailing slash
    public function path();

The concrete implementation in your plugin could look like this:

class PluginDirectoryAddress implements DirectoryAddress
    private $path;

    private $url;

    public function __construct( $dirpath )
        $this->url  = plugins_url( '/', $dirpath );
        $this->path = plugin_dir_path( $dirpath );

     * @return string Dir URL with trailing slash
    public function url() {
        return $this->url;

     * @return string Dir path without trailing slash
    public function path() {
        return $this->path;

Now you create an instance of that class in your main plugin file:

$address = new PluginDirectoryAddress( __DIR__ );

And all the other classes have just a dependency on the interface in their constructor, like this:

public function __construct( DirectoryAddress $directory ) {}

They are accessing the URL and the path only from the passed instance now.