Get or set vertex properties for all graph vertices at once

Pardon the rant, but IMO graph related property value infrastructure was poorly designed. The Graph[] api was created before the advent of Associations, and I don't think it has changed since version 8.0.

Anyway, PropertyValue is typically faster than SetProperty according to the docs, maybe this works for you:

setVertexProp[g_, prop_, vals_] := Module[{h=g, vl=VertexList@g},
    Do[PropertyValue[{h, vl[[i]]}, prop] = vals[[i]], {i,Length@vl}];
    Return @ h

And the timings:

values = getVertexProp[g, "Type"]; 

   {0.0307, Null}

I haven't run this through all of the use cases, but just to get the creative juices flowing:

setVertexPropSemiImperative[g_?GraphQ, prop_, values_List] :=
  Module[{vertices = VertexList[g] // Developer`FromPackedArray, i = 0}
  , If[Length[values] =!= Length[vertices]
    , $Failed
    , SetProperty[{g, vertices}, prop :> values[[++i]]]

Timings, on my machine:

setVertexProp[g, "Foo", values]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* 33.4833 *)

setVertexPropSemiImperative[g, "Foo", values]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* 0.0413123 *)


Developer`FromPackedArray? is used here because it has been empirically shown that SetProperty will not accept a packed array of indices (in version 11.1 at least):

SetProperty[{WheelGraph[3], {1, 2, 3}}, "foo" -> 999]
(* ... a graph ... *)

SetProperty[{WheelGraph[3], {1, 2, 3} // Developer`ToPackedArray}, "foo" -> 999]
(* $Failed *)

The VertexList of the graph in the question is not a packed array. But some graph types have a packed vertex list, e.g.

PetersenGraph[] // VertexList // Developer`PackedArrayQ
(* True *)