Get only countries to autocomplete from Google Maps API

I've been playing around with the Google Autocomplete API for a bit and here's the best solution I could find for limiting your results to only countries:

var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);
var result = autocomplete.getPlace();
console.log(result); // take a look at this result object
console.log(result.address_components); // a result has multiple address components

for(var i = 0; i < result.address_components.length; i += 1) {
  var addressObj = result.address_components[i];
  for(var j = 0; j < addressObj.types.length; j += 1) {
    if (addressObj.types[j] === 'country') {
      console.log(addressObj.types[j]); // confirm that this is 'country'
      console.log(addressObj.long_name); // confirm that this is the country name

If you look at the result object that's returned, you'll see that there's an address_components array which will contain several objects representing different parts of an address. Within each of these objects, it will contain a 'types' array and within this 'types' array, you'll see the different labels associated with an address, including one for country.

There is no quick solution as Google only offers two type collections: ['(cities)'] and ['(regions)']

There is no ['(countries)'] available.

Documentation here:


You could as an alternative use an autocomplete plugin sourced from this url: