Get name of running test in Xunit

See a similar question in Github where the answer/workaround is to use some injection and reflection in the constructor.

public class Tests
  public Tests(ITestOutputHelper output)
    var type = output.GetType();
    var testMember = type.GetField("test", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
    var test = (ITest)testMember.GetValue(output);

You can use BeforeAfterTestAttribute to resolve your case. There are some ways to address your issue using Xunit, which would be to make sub-class of TestClassCommand, or FactAttribute and TestCommand, but I think that BeforeAfterTestAttribute is the simplest way. Check out the code below.

public class TestWithCommonSetupAndTearDown
    public void Blub()

    private class DisplayTestMethodNameAttribute : BeforeAfterTestAttribute
        public override void Before(MethodInfo methodUnderTest)
            var nameOfRunningTest = "TODO";
            Console.WriteLine("Setup for test '{0}.'", methodUnderTest.Name);

        public override void After(MethodInfo methodUnderTest)
            var nameOfRunningTest = "TODO";
            Console.WriteLine("TearDown for test '{0}.'", methodUnderTest.Name);




