Get multiple cursors (carets) at each find result in Intellij Idea editors?

Intellij Idea calls this multiselection.

Select the term to search for with your cursor. In my example, the word key
enter image description here
Next, select all occurrences:

  • press ctrl+alt+shift+J
  • alternatively use the find action menu ctrl+shift+A action search screenshot

screenshot of selection

Now you can expand your selection (ctrl+W) to the entire keys, and then copy and past elsewhere.

Android Studio : Default Keyboard

-> : Column selection mode = Alt + Shift + Insert (Selection with Multi Cursor enable|Disable)
-> : Find and select all occurrences with cursor = Ctrl + Alt + Shift + J
-> : Multi cursor(Any line) = Alt + Shift + Mouse Click and Alt + Hold Mouse click
-> : Select Entire Word = Ctrl + W

Android Studio : eclipse Keyboard

To search terms with multi cursor.
Just set eclipse keyboard in Android studio.
Just Select terms and use shortcut like below.
PRESS : Ctrl + Alt + Y