Get logarithmic byteFrequencyData from Audio

If I understood you correctly, I think this will work for you, although is far from perfect.

What you are doing in your for loop is to sample the array, once every 8 elements. What I would do is do the sampling in a logarithmic way.

An example:

//Given a range, transforms a value from linear scale to log scale.
var toLog = function(value, min, max){
    var exp = (value-min) / (max-min);
  return min * Math.pow(max/min, exp);

//This would be the frequency array in a linear scale
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20];

//In this case i'm using a range from 1 to 20, you would use the size of your array. I'm incrementing 'i' by one each time, but you could also change that
for (var i = 1; i < 20; i += 1) {
  //I'm starting at 1 because 0 and logarithms dont get along
  var logindex = toLog(i,1,19); //the index we want to sample

  //As the logindex will probably be decimal, we need to interpolate (in this case linear interpolation)
  var low = Math.floor(logindex);
  var high = Math.ceil(logindex);
  var lv = arr[low];
  var hv = arr[high];
  var w = (logindex-low)/(high-low);
  var v = lv + (hv-lv)*w; //the interpolated value of the original array in the logindex index.
    document.write(v + "<br/>");  //In your case you should draw the bar here or save it in an array for later.

I hope I explained myself well. Here you have a working demo that has some boundary bugs but it works as I think you need.

I believe I understand what you mean exactly. The problem is not with your code, it is with the FFT underlying getByteFrequencyData. The core problem is that musical notes are logarithmically spaced while the FFT frequency bins are linearly spaced.

Notes are logarithmically spaced: The difference between consecutive low notes, say A2(110 Hz) and A2#(116.5 Hz) is 6.5 Hz while the difference between the same 2 notes on a higher octave A3(220 Hz) and A3#(233.1 Hz) is 13.1 Hz.

FFT bins are linearly spaced: Say we're working with 44100 samples per second, the FFT takes a window of 1024 samples (a wave), and multiplies it first with a wave as long as 1024 samples (let's call it wave1), so that would be a period of 1024/44100=0.023 seconds which is 43.48 Hz, and puts the resulting amplitude in the first bin. Then it multiplies it with a wave with frequency of wave1 * 2, which is 86.95 Hz, then wave1 * 3 = 130.43 Hz. So the difference between the frequencies is linear; it's always the same = 43.48, unlike the difference in musical notes which changes.

This is why close low frequencies will be bundled up in the same bin while close high frequencies are separated. This is the problem with FFT's frequency resolution. It can be solved by taking windows bigger than 1024 samples, but that would be a trade off for the time resolution.