Get Holidays List of a Country from Google Calendar API

google provides API for holiday list.

  1. like we want holiday list for USA

then, change this text in url


Example :-

after this,

  1. we get all Holiday event list in "items" Array.

like this,

 "items": [
   "kind": "calendar#event",
   "etag": "\"3101513576000000\"",
   "id": "20200101_60o30dr46oo30c1g60o30dr56g",
   "status": "confirmed",
   "htmlLink": "",
   "created": "2019-02-21T13:46:28.000Z",
   "updated": "2019-02-21T13:46:28.000Z",
   "summary": "New Year's Day",
   "creator": {
    "email": "en.usa#[email protected]",
    "displayName": "Holidays in United States",
    "self": true
   "organizer": {
    "email": "en.usa#[email protected]",
    "displayName": "Holidays in United States",
    "self": true
   "start": {
    "date": "2020-01-01"
   "end": {
    "date": "2020-01-02"
   "transparency": "transparent",
   "visibility": "public",
   "iCalUID": "[email protected]",
   "sequence": 0

we will get all detail in there like, Holiday name of day in "summary" key

"summary": "New Year's Day",

Yes, using Google API you can do that.

  • Create an API app in the google developer account

  • From the "Credentials" tab you can create an API key, you get something like this AIzaSyBcOT_DpEQysiwFmmmZXupKpnrOdJYAhhM

  • Then, you can access holidays calendar using this URL