Get exit code - Go

It's easy to determine if the exit code was 0 or something else. In the first case, cmd.Wait() will return nil (unless there is another error while setting up the pipes).

Unfortunately, there is no platform independent way to get the exit code in the error case. That's also the reason why it isn't part of the API. The following snippet will work with Linux, but I haven't tested it on other platforms:

package main

import "os/exec"
import "log"
import "syscall"

func main() {
    cmd := exec.Command("git", "blub")

    if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("cmd.Start: %v", err)

    if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
        if exiterr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
            log.Printf("Exit Status: %d", exiterr.ExitCode())
        } else {
            log.Fatalf("cmd.Wait: %v", err)

Just follow the api docs to find out more :)

Since golang version 1.12, the exit code is available natively and in a cross-platform manner. See ExitError and ExitCode().

ExitCode returns the exit code of the exited process, or -1 if the process hasn't exited or was terminated by a signal.

if err := cmd.Run() ; err != nil {
    if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
        return exitError.ExitCode()

