Get current ruby process memory usage

Using external commands on Ruby like ps through using backticks will fork the current process for the duration of running the command. This means that if your Ruby process consumes 300mb, you will need another 300mb just to run any of these `ps -o rss #{$$}`.strip.split.last.to_i solutions.

On linux based systems you can get process memory information by reading /proc/PID/statm. The second field is the Resident Set Size in number of kernel pages. Converting the RSS pages to bytes requires you to figure out the kernel page size (most likely 4096).

Here's sample code how to get the rss in kilobytes, works on Linux. I don't know how to do this on OSX or other systems.

module MemInfo
  # This uses backticks to figure out the pagesize, but only once
  # when loading this module.
  # You might want to move this into some kind of initializer
  # that is loaded when your app starts and not when autoload
  # loads this module.
  KERNEL_PAGE_SIZE = `getconf PAGESIZE`.chomp.to_i rescue 4096 
  STATM_PATH       = "/proc/#{}/statm"
  STATM_FOUND      = File.exist?(STATM_PATH)

  def self.rss
    STATM_FOUND ? (' ')[1].to_i * KERNEL_PAGE_SIZE) / 1024 : 0

# >> MemInfo.rss
# => 251944

When trying to solve this problem a year ago, I did a lot of online research and API digging and was only able to solve it via a system call to ps.

In both OS X 10.7.2 and Red Hat 4.1.2-13 (on EC2):

pid, size = `ps ax -o pid,rss | grep -E "^[[:space:]]*#{$$}"`

This fetches and places the resident memory size of the process in kilobytes into the size variable.

With a little effort this could be cleaned up, but most of the time is spend calling ps and capturing its output, so I don't think it is worth the time.

You can simple use this puts statement

puts 'RAM USAGE: ' + `pmap #{} | tail -1`[10,40].strip

The NewRelic gem provides simple RSS usage implementations for a number of operating systems and ruby runtimes with their MemorySampler class.

Include the newrelic_rpm gem in your Gemfile and invoke it thus:

and it returns the number of megabytes of memory the current process holds as the RSS.

The implementation prefers in-process counters where available (jruby), use the /proc/#{$$}/status on Linux, and fall back to ps everywhere else.