Get column names of Excel worksheet with OpenPyXL in readonly mode

Read-only mode provides fast access to any row or set of rows in a worksheet. Use the method iter_rows() to restric the selection. So to get the first row of the worksheet:

rows = ws.iter_rows(min_row=1, max_row=1) # returns a generator of rows
first_row = next(rows) # get the first row
headings = [c.value for c in first_row] # extract the values from the cells

This will print every thing from row 1;

for cell in ws[1]:

If for some reason you want to get a list of the column letters that are filled in you can just:

column_list = [cell.column for cell in ws[1]]

For your 2nd question; Assuming you have stored the header values in a list called : "list_with_values"

from openpyxl import Workbook
wb = Workbook()
ws = wb['Sheet']
#Sheet is the default sheet name, you can rename it or create additional ones with wb.create_sheet()