Get button click inside UITableViewCell

Delegates are the way to go.

As seen with other answers using views might get outdated. Who knows tomorrow there might be another wrapper and may need to use cell superview]superview]superview]superview]. And if you use tags you would end up with n number of if else conditions to identify the cell. To avoid all of that set up delegates. (By doing so you will be creating a re usable cell class. You can use the same cell class as a base class and all you have to do is implement the delegate methods.)

First we need a interface (protocol) which will be used by cell to communicate(delegate) button clicks. (You can create a separate .h file for protocol and include in both table view controller and custom cell classes OR just add it in custom cell class which will anyway get included in table view controller)

@protocol CellDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)didClickOnCellAtIndex:(NSInteger)cellIndex withData:(id)data;

Include this protocol in custom cell and table view controller. And make sure table view controller confirms to this protocol.

In custom cell create two properties :

@property (weak, nonatomic) id<CellDelegate>delegate;
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger cellIndex;

In UIButton IBAction delegate click : (Same can be done for any action in custom cell class which needs to be delegated back to view controller)

- (IBAction)buttonClicked:(UIButton *)sender {
    if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(didClickOnCellAtIndex:withData:)]) {
        [self.delegate didClickOnCellAtIndex:_cellIndex withData:@"any other cell data/property"];

In table view controller cellForRowAtIndexPath after dequeing the cell, set the above properties.

cell.delegate = self;
cell.cellIndex = indexPath.row; // Set indexpath if its a grouped table.

And implement the delegate in table view controller:

- (void)didClickOnCellAtIndex:(NSInteger)cellIndex withData:(id)data
    // Do additional actions as required.
    NSLog(@"Cell at Index: %d clicked.\n Data received : %@", cellIndex, data);

This would be the ideal approach to get custom cell button actions in table view controller.

1) In your cellForRowAtIndexPath: method, assign button tag as index:

cell.yourbutton.tag = indexPath.row;

2) Add target and action for your button as below:

[cell.yourbutton addTarget:self action:@selector(yourButtonClicked:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

3) Code actions based on index as below in ViewControler:

     if (sender.tag == 0) 
         // Your code here

Updates for multiple Section:

You can check this link to detect button click in table view for multiple row and section.