get array data from json file using rapidjson

Finally found it myself, The correct syntax would be document["points"][0]["x"].GetString()

for (SizeType i = 0; i < document["points"].Size(); i++){
    CCLOG("{x=%f, y=%f}", document["points"][i]["x"].GetDouble(), document["points"][i]["y"].GetDouble());

and the output is

Cocos2d: {x=-2.250000, y=-14.250000}
Cocos2d: {x=-5.750000, y=-13.250000}
Cocos2d: {x=-7.250000, y=-12.500000}

Hope it helps. :D

Using index for enumerating all array elements is correct, but I personally find it obsolete since C++11 range-for was introduced.

With C++11 you can enumerate values this way:

for(const auto& point : document["points"].GetArray()){
    CCLOG("{x=%f, y=%f}", point["x"].GetDouble(), point["y"].GetDouble());

You can also enumerate object's fields the same way (if you need to):

for(const auto& field : point.GetObject()) {; // Use field's name somehow...
    field.value.GetDouble(); // Use field's value somehow...