Get all keys from Redis Cache database

string connectionString = "my_connection_string";
ConfigurationOptions options = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(connectionString);
ConnectionMultiplexer connection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options);
IDatabase db = connection.GetDatabase();
EndPoint endPoint = connection.GetEndPoints().First();
RedisKey[] keys = connection.GetServer(endPoint).Keys(pattern: "*").ToArray();

Function that you need is under IServer interface, and can be reached with:

ConnectionMultiplexer m = CreateConnection();

Note that prior to version 2.8 of redis server that will use KEYS command you mentioned, and it can be very slow in certain cases. However if you use redis 2.8+ - it will use SCAN command instead, which performs better. Also ensure that you really need to get all keys, in my practice I've never ever needed this.