Get a list of filenames in a given folder in Jenkinsfile (Groovy)

This one works, but it's ugly as hell:


node('master') {
    FILES_DIR = './foo'

    sh """
        mkdir foo
        touch foo/bar1
        touch foo/bar2
        touch foo/bar3

    def TMP_FILENAME = ".docker_files_list"
    sh "ls ${FILES_DIR} > ${TMP_FILENAME}"
    def filenames = readFile(TMP_FILENAME).split( "\\r?\\n" );
    sh "rm -f ${TMP_FILENAME}"

    for (int i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++) {
        def filename = filenames[i]
        echo "${filename}"

You can't really make use of the new File and normal Groovy/Java ways to traverse file systems. The call is security checked by default (see JENKINS-38131) and won't even generally work because of how Jenkins Pipelines executes your pipeline code.

One way you could do this would be to use the findFiles step from the Pipeline Utility Steps plugin. It returns a FileWrapper[] which can be inspected/used for other purposes.

node {
  // ... check out code, whatever
  final foundFiles = findFiles(glob: 'dockerfiles/**/*')
  // do things with FileWrapper[]

Another option is to shell out and capture the standard out:

node {
  // ... check out code, whatever
  final foundFiles = sh(script: 'ls -1 dockerfiles', returnStdout: true).split()
  // Do stuff with filenames