Generated definition file (.d.ts) by typescript not working with package.json typings

The solution was:

1 - add a single file 'index.ts' that exports all others files.

export * from "./MyInterface"
export * from "./MyClass"
export * from "./MyInheritedClass"

2 - add at build process two compilation/transpilation of the files (one for declarations and another for the single js file [with out property in tsc compiler])

let tsConfigDeclaration = gulp_typescript({module: 'system', target: 'es5', declaration: true, removeComments: true });
let tsConfigOneFile = gulp_typescript({module: 'system', target: 'es5', declaration: true, removeComments: true, out: 'typings-packagejson.js'});

More info at build process:

and index file: