Generate randomly sized non-overlapping disks?

Just a quick modification of the code here,

distinctDisks[n_, range_:{0, 1}, radiusRange_:{0.03, 0.15}] := Module[
     {d, f, p, r},
      d = {Disk[RandomReal[range, 2], RandomReal[radiusRange]]};
      Do[f = RegionDistance[RegionUnion @@ d];
        r = RandomReal[radiusRange];
        p = RandomReal[range, 2];
        f[p] < r];
       d = Append[d, Disk[p, r]], {n - 1}];

distinctDisks[25, {0, 5}, {0, 2}] // Graphics

Mathematica graphics

Here's my take. It should work in earlier versions that do not yet have region-related functionality:

distinctDisks[n_Integer?Positive, {xmin_, xmax_}, {ymin_, ymax_}, {rmin_, rmax_}] := 
    Module[{df = Max[0, EuclideanDistance[#1[[1]], #2[[1]]] - (#1[[2]] + #2[[2]])] &,
            dlist = {}, k = 0, c, d, r},
           While[c = RandomReal /@ {{xmin, xmax}, {ymin, ymax}};
                 r = RandomReal[{rmin, rmax}]; 
                 If[k == 0 || (Min[c[[1]] - xmin, xmax - c[[1]],
                                   c[[2]] - ymin, ymax - c[[2]]] > r && 
                               df[First[Nearest[dlist, d = Disk[c, r],
                                                DistanceFunction -> df]], d] > 0),
                    k++; AppendTo[dlist, d]]; k < n]; dlist]

An example:

BlockRandom[SeedRandom["many disks"]; (* for reproducibility *)
            Graphics[Riffle[distinctDisks[150, {0, 5}, {0, 3}, {1/20, 3/2}], 
                            Unevaluated[ColorData[61, RandomInteger[{1, 9}]]],
                            {1, -2, 2}], PlotRange -> {{0, 5}, {0, 3}}]]

randomly placed disks

I have to say, I have seen this question many times in SE, but it's difficult for me to find the duplicate post. Thus, I post my answer again:

disk = Reap[
   region = 
        CountryData[#, "Polygon"]] & /@ {"China", "Taiwan"}]; 
   Do[p = RandomPoint[region]; 
    rad = If[(tem = Abs[SignedRegionDistance[region, p]]) < .2, tem, 
        Min[{tem, Min@(Subtract @@ RegionBounds@region)/40}]}]]; 
    region = 
     RegionDifference[region, DiscretizeRegion@Sow[Disk[p, rad]]], 
    2500]][[-1, -1]]; Graphics[
    Hue[1/3, NormalDistribution[.6, .2], NormalDistribution[.6, .07]],
     disk // Length], disk}]]

enter image description here

It is composed of 2500 disks. This low-efficiency code's main time is taken up by RegionDifference. But you can produce any shape by changing region.