Generate me a QFP chip!

Kotlin, 397 393 bytes

Unnamed lambda.

You can try it here, but you'll have to paste the source in yourself because the editor doesn't seem to save programs in UTF-8 encoding. The ungolfed version is a full program, so you should be able to use that in its entirety.


{n:Int->operator fun String.mod(x:Int){(1..x).map{print(this)}};val l={s:String->s.padStart(n/10+2)};var s=(1..n).map{"${n*4+1-it}".reversed()};val z={i:Int->l(" ")%1;{print(it.getOrElse(i,{' '}))};"\n"%1};(s[0].length-1 downTo 0).map(z);l("┌")%1;"┴"%n;"┐\n"%1;(1..n).map{l("$it┤")%1;" "%n;"├${n*3+1-it}\n"%1};l("└")%1;"┬"%n;"┘\n"%1;s=(1..n).map{"${n+it}"};(0..s.last().length-1).map(z)}

(Sort of) Ungolfed

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    var q = { n: Int ->
        operator fun String.mod(x: Int) {
            (1..x).map { print(this) }

        val l = { s: String ->
            s.padStart(n / 10 + 2)

        var s = (1..n).map { "${n * 4 + 1 - it}".reversed() }

        val z = { i: Int ->
            l(" ")%1
   { print(it.getOrElse(i, { ' ' })) }

        (s[0].length - 1 downTo 0).map(z)


        (1..n).map { l("$it┤") % 1;" " % n;"├${n * 3 + 1 - it}\n" % 1 }


        s = (1..n).map { "${n + it}" }
        (0..s.last().length - 1).map(z)


Saved a bunch of bytes by overloading the % operator and using it to print. I'll probably revisit this later - I think I can save quite a few bytes if I use mod or some other operator as a concatenation function. More interpolation and less print calls.

Python 2, 352 343 331 bytes

def q(n,j=''.join,k='\n'.join,m=map):a,b,c,d=zip(*[iter(m(str,range(n*4)))]*n);l=len(`n-1`);r=lambda x:k(m(lambda s:' '*(l+1)+j(s),m(j,[m(lambda t:t or' ',v)for v in m(None,*x)])));return k([r(d[::-1]),' '*l+u'┌'+u'┴'*n+u'┐',k(x.rjust(l)+u'┤'+' '*n+u'├'+y for x,y in zip(a,c[::-1])),' '*l+u'└'+u'┬'*n+u'┘',r(b)])

Try it here. Note the file must start with the UTF-8 BOM \xef\xbb\xbf for the unicode literals to work in the standard CPython interpreter. These 3 bytes are counted against the size here. is already using unicode so the link just has the code shown here.

Thanks @tuskiomi for the encoding idea that saved 9 21 bytes.

Partially ungolfed:

def q(n):
  a,b,c,d = zip(*[iter(map(str,range(n*4)))]*n) # get numbers for sides
  l = len(`n-1`) # left padding
  r = lambda x: '\n'.join(
    map(lambda s: ' '*(l+1) + ''.join(s), # padding and row of digits
        [map(lambda t: t or ' ', v)  # rows of digits with spaces where missing
          for v in map(None, *x)]))
  return '\n'.join([
    r(d[::-1]), # top row in reverse order
    ' '*l+u'\u250c'+u'\u2534'*n+u'\u2510', # top border
    # 1st, 3rd (reversed) side numbers
    '\n'.join(x.rjust(l) + u'\u2524'+ ' '*n + u'\u251c' + y for x,y in zip(a,c[::-1])),
     ' '*l+u'\u2514'+u'\u252c'*n+u'\u2518', # bottom border
    r(b) # bottom numbers

JavaScript (ES6), 295 284 bytes (268 chars), non-competing

n=>(a=[...(' '[r='repeat'](W=n+6)+`
`)[r](W++)],,i)=>i<n*2&&([p,s,L,R,C]=i<n?[(i+3)*W-1,1,i+1,n*3-i,0]:[i-n+3-W,W,n*5-i,i+1,1],[...(' '+L).slice(-2)+'┤┴'[C]+' '[r](n)+'├┬'[C]+R].map(c=>a[p+=s]=c))),[2,3,W-4,W-3].map((p,i)=>a[W*p+2-6*(i&1)]='┌┐└┘'[i]),a.join``)

This code doesn't support pin numbers above 99 and therefore probably doesn't qualify as a fully valid entry. That's why I mark it as non-competing for now.

It could be easily modify to support an arbitrary large number of pins by using wider static margins around the chip. However, that may infringe the rules as well (not sure about that). Fully dynamic margins would cost significantly more bytes.


let f =

n=>(a=[...(' '[r='repeat'](W=n+6)+`
`)[r](W++)],,i)=>i<n*2&&([p,s,L,R,C]=i<n?[(i+3)*W-1,1,i+1,n*3-i,0]:[i-n+3-W,W,n*5-i,i+1,1],[...(' '+L).slice(-2)+'┤┴'[C]+' '[r](n)+'├┬'[C]+R].map(c=>a[p+=s]=c))),[2,3,W-4,W-3].map((p,i)=>a[W*p+2-6*(i&1)]='┌┐└┘'[i]),a.join``)
