Generate apk file for meteor app

Starting with Meteor 1.2, the bundled Android tools have been removed and a system-wide install of the Android SDK is now required. This should make it easier to keep the development toolchain up to date and helps avoid some difficult to diagnose failures. The meteor install-sdk command no longer attempts to download and install the Android tools for you (it has been deprecated and just points you to these instructions).

There are a few steps to follow in order to generate the Android application file (.apk) from a meteor app:

  1. meteor install-sdk android
  2. Have the mobile-config.js file in your project root (mobile-config.js example)
  3. meteor add-platform android
  4. meteor build ~/your-output-dir

Then you will have your .apk file in ~/your-output-dir/android/unaligned.apk

If you want to proceed and submit to Google Play Store, here are the steps to follow:

Hope this helps!

You can build an APK file with meteor build command.

Read more about it in the docs: or by typing meteor help build in your terminal.


